Your Business Name

Welcome to the beginning of your new website. Learning how to manage and use your own website will be one of the most empowering things you can do for your business. When you learn the basics of how to make changes to your site, you will experience a feeling of business freedom like no other (not to mention saving yourself tens of thousands of dollars over the years). You have a whole range of videos that can help you, as well as support people.


Home Page

This page is called the Home page as it’s the main page of your site and usually the first page most people come to. This is the page that determines if people will stay on your site or go away and not look at anything else.

The most important part of this page is what shows up ‘above the fold’ – this is everything visitors can see when they come to your site without having to scroll down at all. Above the fold is also called Prime Real Estate and this is the MOST important part of your site. The other parts of the page they see when they scroll down is below the fold. Make sure you write about how you or your service is going to impact your clients – this is not the page to make it all about ME, ME, ME. It must be the benefits your clients will get when working with you or buying your products.

This page is where you want to have text that excites people to want to know more about you and to sign up for your freebie.

It’s important you personalize your site. Your coaching site bonus consists of a basic ‘brochure’ site. It is your choice to add things such as a blog, social media links etc. You have a training library that tells you how to do these things.

The main things you may want to change is the header graphic at the very top of the page (if you don’t, you might be the same as other ISCA coaches out there who didn't change it and then you all start to look the same) and the text on each page.

It’s simple to do, however if you need support personalizing your website, visit the ‘Coaching Packages’ page on this site – it has details there about website support, copywriting support, graphic support etc.

If you like you can add a blog and social media links – again your training videos show you how to do this, or you may prefer to hire someone to do it for you. The main thing is, just get started. Your site doesn’t have to be perfect (Sandy’s first site was shocking! But it still made her a LOT of money!)

Sample Coaching Websites

You can also see samples of ISCA coaches websites below. Some are niche websites for their coaching business, some are general coaching sites. You have the ability to make your site as exciting and personal as you want. We encourage you to do so as the more you make it ‘yours’ the more you will line up energetically with your ideal clients.

Opt-in Box

We recommend you have an Opt-in box on your website where people can sign up for your freebie. This is how you build your email list of potential clients.

A good place for this freebie offer is on the top right-hand side of this page. You must have a service like the Website/Marketing platform we use to create your site which captures emails and stores them in your client management system if you are going to have an opt-in box.

This is because you need to link it up to ensure when people put their name and email address into the opt-in box, their details are captured in your system and they are instantly sent the freebie via email or via a thanks page. This isn’t something you need to have straight away (Sandy didn’t have an opt in box for about 2 years on her site, but her business was still growing, however knowing what she knows now she would have done it far sooner than later), however if you are planning on building your email list through your site, then you MUST have a way to capture people’s name and email.

This standard box will appear on your site like the one below (but in the colour you choose and with the wording you choose) as standard. However, to get it linked up and working to the email service you’re using, you will need to do that yourself or by one of our support VAs – this is an additional service and the price will depend on a number of things which they will discuss with you (although it shouldn’t be too much).

But you don’t just want your opt-in box on the home page, you want to ensure it is part of your website template and that it appears on every page, because you never know which page of your website people will come to if they come through google or another search engine.

Make it easy for them to sign up for your freebie on every single page. The opt in box on this page is the little box situated up the top to the right where people who visit your website can enter their name and email to get on your email list. Usually the reason they will enter their details is because you offer them something exciting. A newsletter is no longer exciting enough to make people sign up. You’re best to offer them an exciting freebie - an e-book, special report, audio, guided visualisztion etc. You get a number of freebies to choose from as part of your bonuses when you signed up with the ISCA – simply look on the Bonus page in the members area.

Make sure you re-name the opt-in box to what YOUR freebie is. Also, it’s a great idea to get a graphic done of your freebie so it looks enticing. More people will sign up for your freebie if you have a great picture. Get one at or or create one yourself in check out the Coaching Packages page which lists some people who can do this for you!

Get your FREE Goal Setting Success ebook now!

This is a demo opt-in box. See 'Free Stuff' for more information.


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